SOLD! Part I

Here’s part I of all the pieces SOLD from my exhibit, along their close-ups:

The Converghip Perspectos of the Armoborium Moons(SOLD)01.jpg
The Converghip Perspectos of the Armoborium Moons(SOLD)02.jpg
The Converghip Perspectos of the Armoborium Moons(SOLD)03.jpg
The Doubters of Battrapowt(SOLD)01.jpg
The Doubters of Battrapowt(SOLD)02.jpg
The Honarables of Azyana(SOLD)01.jpg
The Honarables of Azyana(SOLD)02.jpg
pat-18-The Source Graspers of Fungoloïd(SOLD).jpg
pat-18-The Source Graspers of Fungoloïd(SOLD)02.jpg
pat-18-The Source Graspers of Fungoloïd(SOLD)03.jpg
pat-18-The Source Graspers of Fungoloïd(SOLD)04.jpg
The Slicksters of Ribboneers(SOLD)01.jpg
The Slicksters of Ribboneers(SOLD)02.jpg
pat-16-The Clay Makers of Genistry(SOLD).jpg
pat-16-The Clay Makers of Genistry(SOLD)03.jpg
pat-16-The Clay Makers of Genistry(SOLD)04.jpg
pat-16-The Clay Makers of Genistry(SOLD)02.jpg